Thursday, January 22, 2009

Stepping Out with Elizabeth Russo and Flat Stanley

This week Costa Communications’ very own Elizabeth Russo ventured off to a filming of The Tonight Show to meet Jay Leno, with her friend Flat Stanley. Flat Stanley is Elizabeth’s flat friend (made from paper), given to her by her seven year old cousin Riley, to take on adventures in Los Angeles. “Flat Stanley” is a project that all the children in Riley’s class are participating in, and in February the children will gather pictures of where their “Flat Stanley” has visited (with a friend or relative) to present to the class. Riley, who lives in Northern California, is sure to be surprised and envious of the adventures her Flat Stanly has been on with Elizabeth. Rumor has it that Riley’s Flat Stanley made an appearance on the red carpet for the premiere of DreamWorks and Nickeloden Movies’ Hotel for Dogs. Flat Stanley is a HUGE fan of composer John Debney and makes it a point to see all the films scored by one of Hollywood’s most versatile film composers. He was thrilled to hear that Debney will score Hannah Montana: The Movie, (in theaters April 10).

Elizabeth Russo, Jay Leno and Flat Stanley pose for a photo before a filming of The Tonight Show

Liz and Jay

Flat Stanley and the Rosso Twins at premiere of Hotel for Dogs
